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A-Shell Reference

TAIL {outfile=} <wildspec> {switches}

The TAIL command is similar to the eponymous Unix command and is used to display or copy to another file the last N lines of a specified file (or wildcard list of files).



Effect of Switch


The delete switch causes TAIL to overwrite the existing outspec.


The lines switch causes TAIL to display or copy ## lines. The default is 20. As of A-Shell 1264, TAIL supports a Unix-inspired variation of the /L:# switch, i.e. /L:+#, which causes the display/output to start at specified line #, rather than starting that many lines from the end. For example: .TAIL MYFILE.LST/L:+2 displays the entire file except for the first line. This can be useful for removing the first N lines from a file. For example, to remove the first line of a file, you could use the following command: .TAIL MYFILE.LST = MYFILE.LST/L:+2/D


The query switch causes TAIL to prompt for confirmation on each file.


Writes switch listing and usage info to the screen.


See the notes on HEAD for examples.


2022 June, A-Shell 6.5.1717, TAIL.LIT 3.4(107):  Updated to fix a very old bug which would result in the directory listing being duplicated if there were consecutive DEVICE statements for the same deviceā€”i.e. one normal DEVICE definition and one or more PPN-specific definitions.

2012 December, A-Shell 1264:  Add support for the /L:+# variation on the "L" switch, as noted above.