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A-Shell Reference

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Terminal Functions

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One dimensional typewriter-style Tab to column x.


Two dimensional cursor positioning: row x, column y.


Original Functions.


Set Foreground Color. Tab(-2,x) is implemented very much as under AMOS, although most AMOS applications were monochrome and thus you may not be familiar with this command. Set the foreground color to x, where x normally ranges from zero to seven (0=black, 1=white, 2=blue, 3=magenta, 4=red, 5=yellow, 6=green, 7=cyan). You can also specify color values from 8 to 15 but these are equivalent to the "dim" versions of colors 0-7. (It is actually possible to define these all independently, either in A-Shell/Windows or in most color terminal emulators, so that "dim" may be a misnomer. But from a programming standpoint, Tab(-2,x);Tab(-1,11) is equivalent to Tab(-2,x+8). Color values beyond 15 are mapped to the modulo-8 equivalent. Note that color is a "mode" attribute, meaning that it takes up no space on the screen and it stays in effect chronologically (rather than spatially) until overridden by another color.


Set the background color. Same as above, but for background color.


Set Number of Rows. Tab(-5,x) sets the number of display rows to x. This was originally only available the AM65 and AM75 terminals, and x was essentially limited to 24 or 42. Under A-Shell, it is still limited to the display device, but in the case of A-Shell/Windows, the display device supports from 1 to 50 rows. In the case of ZTERM, it also supports from 1 to 50 rows. See Selecting a Terminal Emulation.


Set Number of Columns. Tab(-6,x) sets the number of display columns to x. This is purely an A-Shell extension and only applies to A-Shell/Windows, which supports from 1 to 160 columns. Dumb terminals and emulators are typically limited to 80 and perhaps 132 columns, which the Tab(-1,80) and Tab(-1,81) commands are designed to switch between.


ATE Functions.


"Three-D" Print Tab.