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A-Shell Reference

Added December 2019

This setting is recommended for all A-Shell sites under all conditions. It generates the messages shown below noting the startup and shutdown of each session.

A-Shell/Unix/ATSD startup:

26-Dec-19 09:56:23 [p103032-0]<:0> ----------------

26-Dec-19 09:56:23 [p103032-0]<:0> A-Shell 6.4.1556.3 launched on pts/37:103032 by fulano

26-Dec-19 09:56:23 [p103032-0]<ASTART:0> (ATE client 6.4.1547.7, machine=HDL-WKS-001:01, user=EZapata, ack=0, fg,bg=6,0)

26-Dec-19 09:56:23 [p103032-0]<ASTART:0> jcbrebuild #0

26-Dec-19 09:56:23 [p103032-37]<ASTART:0> In: Nodes=72/76/173 [P], ip= 0:e0:c5:53:d7:5c, (fulano) inodes: si=0,sm=0 ...


A-Shell/Windows Startup

27-Dec-19 09:15:15 [JACKT450:03-0]<:0> ----------------

27-Dec-19 09:15:15 [JACKT450:03-0]<:0> A-Shell 6.5.1669.0 launched on ZEUS:03 by joaquin (winver:10.0.17134 hwnd:4f0c4a v:1 pid:41016 )

27-Dec-19 09:15:15 [JACKT450:01-1]<ASTART:0> In: Nodes=1/2/5 [L], ip= 0:5:9a:3c:7a:0, (joaquin) sip=0, sm=1



26-Dec-19 15:33:00 [tsk:103032-37]<MENUC:1a4e5> Out: Nodes Remaining = 63P/65L, 1199717 reads, 28 writes, 87740 kbd bytes



The initial "launched on" line indicates the version of A-Shell being launched, the connection device or client machine name, and the user name (either the Unix login name, or the Windows client login name).
In the case of an ATE connection, the next line will show the ATE client version, ATE machine name, the Windows client login name, and a few other minor details.
The "jcbrebuild #" messages are normal and simply indicate that the Job Table is being refreshed, with the # indicating the triggering event.
The "In: Nodes=AA/BB/CC [P]" line indicates the number of A-Shell nodes calculated after the new session is counted. AA indicates the number of nodes counting against the license; BB is the total number of jobs; CC is the licensed node limit (which applies to AA, not BB). This is followed by [P] indicating a "Physical node" (counts against the license limit, i.e. adds to the AA figure) or [L] for a "Logical node" (doesn't count; adds to the BB figure). This is followed by the IP and MAC address of the client and the login name on the client machine. The si{p} and sm values indicate the number of other sessions originating from the same IP address and client machine, respectively.
The "Out:" line indicates the number of remaining physical [P] and logical [L] nodes in use, along with a few usage indicators for the session.