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A-Shell Reference

More flags similar to those in TXC.FLAGS1.




Show section page number on status bar


Do not change cursor shape as mouse moves over edit window


Scroll the text window while dragging the vertical scroll bar (smooth scroll)


Do not auto-repaginate while editing text


Do not save the original as a backup before saving text to file


Hide soft page break lines when in TXF_PAGEMODE


Protect the formatting of protected text


Do not write hidden text to RTF file


Do not apply shading to field text (e.g. dates, page numbers)


Always fully repaint text box


Do not show cancel print dialog when printing


Do not adjust cursor when placing it over protected or hidden text


When cursor is not allowed within protected text, move it to start of protected text rather than after it. (See next flag.)


Do not allow the cursor in the middle of protected text.

Definition file: ashinc:xtext.def
