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A-Shell Reference

Written July 2019


When executed from a directory with a corresponding online repository, mainly the SYS: and BAS: directories, UPDCUR downloads new and updated files.

The files being updated are renamed with extension ?01 where ? is the first letter of the original file extension. Up to three generations are kept. For ABOUT.LIT, for example, the three old versions of the file would be ABOUT.L01, ABOUT.L02 and ABOUT.L03.

This command is primarily for the benefit of A-Shell programmers / developers who are updating their LIT and other system files to the very latest versions for testing and development purposes.


.log sys:

Transferred from BAS: to SYS:



UPDCUR 1.0(105) - Update current directory from online repository

A-Shell/32 Ver. 6.5.1725.0

Current dir: DSK0:[1,4]


Retrieving 001004.dir

Status =  11520

Checking current files against repository...

errmsg.usa ...      Upd: ok

if.lit ...          Upd: ok

sbrmsg.usa ...      Upd: ok

sysmsg.usa ...      Upd: ok

versys.lit ...      Upd: ok

5 files updated, 0 new files, 151 already current, 0 errors


In the above example, the 5 files listed have been updated from the online repository, with the prior versions archived using extensions .?01, .?02, etc.