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A-Shell Reference

xcall WINFLG, flag {,feature}

The AMOS routine WINFLG was used within inSight to retrieve information about the current job and terminal environment. Flag is a 6-byte floating point variable, and feature is any numeric type.

If WINFLG was called with just the one argument, it was supposed to return 1 if inSight was supported, else 0. (A-Shell does not support inSight and thus returns 0.) If called with 2 arguments, then it returns flag = 1 if the corresponding feature is supported, else 0. The features 1-32 are equivalent to those used by JOBDAT (which see). Features 33-255 correspond to the equivalent TCRT or Tab(-1,x) numbers. Feature 256 indicates Multi or Office (and is thus set to 0 by A-Shell).

Since this routine is used very sparsely in the A-Shell community, A-Shell contains only a minimal implementation. Features 1-32 are supported, as in JOBDAT, but beyond that, A-Shell returns 1 for features 33-149, plus 202 and 203 (screen save/restore). In the case of Windows (except in Telnet mode), it also returns 1 for features 158-162 (mouse functions).


2023 October, A-Shell 7.0.1751:  WINFLGit now returns 1 indicating support for tab(-1,160) and tab(-1,162) if the current terminal driver is a "G" version (e.g. AM62G, AM75G, PCVTDV, ...)