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A-Shell Reference

Updated May 2024

WRITE #ch, recexpr

WRITEL #ch, recexpr


WRITEN #ch, recexpr

WRITELN #ch, recexpr

The difference between WRITE and WRITEL has to do with record locking and only applies when LOKSER is enabled. WRITE writes a record and unlocks it afterwards so that it can be modified by another process. It assumes that the record was previously read with READL. WRITEL establishes a lock first and then writes. It is used for writing records that were not previously locked.

WRITEN and WRITELN are identical to WRITE and WRITEL, respectively, except they don't release the lock after the write.


recexpr is an expression containing the data to write. Typically it is the same record variable or structure used in the READ statement, but could technically be any expression, provided its length does not exceed the record size specified in the OPEN statement. If the length of recexpr is less than the record size, the remaining bytes in the target record on disk will not be modified.


See the READ statement topic for comments regarding the record number which apply here as they do for READ.



See Also