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A-Shell Reference

xcall XFRMMO, opstat, ch1, link1, ch2, link2

XFRMMO is an utility to move or copy an INMEMO logical memo, either between two memo files or within a single file. If moving between files, it can also change the link size from 2 to 4 or vice versa.


opstat (Num)  [in/out]

On input, must be set to 0 to copy (preserving the source memo) or 1 to move (same as copy followed by deletion of the source memo). On return, it will be set to one of the following values to indicate whether the operation succeeded:










File full


Link error



System error


ch1 (Num)  [in]

is the open file channel for the source memo file.

link1 (B,2 or B,4 to match the format of the source memo file)  [in]

is the link to the source memo. Note that if opcode is 1 (move), this memo will be deleted (and link1 returned as 0).

ch2 (Num)  [in]

is the open file channel for the destination memo file (which may be the same as ch1).

link2 (Num)  [out]

will return the new link to the destination memo. Use data type B,2 or B,4 to match the format of the destination memo file.