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A-Shell Reference

Written July 2023

This option enables auto-filtering for all XTREE calls, eliminating the need to set the XTF2_AUTOFILTER flag on each individual XTREE. Note, however, that when the feature is enabled globally this way, but not explicitly for the individual tree (via XTF2_AUTOFILTER), then the initial state of the filter buttons will be hidden, but can be activated (made visible) via the context menu. This is intended to make it easier to enable auto-filtering globally without having to worry about the overcrowding of narrow column headers or general clutter caused by the filter buttons in trees where filtering may not be important.

As with most other MIAME.INI options, you can also query and/or set the option via the MX_GETOPTIONS, MX_SETOPTIONS calls, here using the flag GOP2_XTAUTOFILTER flag (&h40000000).

Also note that in the ATE environment, the flag is automatically passed from the server to the client.