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A-Shell Reference

This field allows you to control the expanded/collapsed state of the items when the tree is created or re-entered. Set the field to a value between 0 and 63, indicating the maximum level to expand (0=all items collapsed so that only the level 0 items are visible, 63=all items expanded). You may optionally specify one of the two flags listed below:






Save current expand/collapse status on exit



Restore saved status (on XTROP_REPLACE reentry)



XTEXPF_SAVE can be used with any of the level values (0-63) in XTR.EXPANDLEVEL to start out with the specified uniform level of expansion but save the user-modified status on exit. But XTEXPF_RESTORE overrides all other options unless there was no previously saved status, in which case XTEXPF_RESTORE is ignored.

XTEXPF_RESTORE assumes that the order of the rows has not changed since the previous exit from that tree. Since the expand/collapse status is associated only with the row numbers as displayed, changing the sort order on reentry would result in the wrong items being expanded or collapsed.

See Also


2023 August, A-Shell 1737:  Increase maximum number of multi-level trees from nine to 63.