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A-Shell Reference

Updated June 2013; see History

For XTREE controls with variable height items (XTF_VARY), specifies the maximum number of lines of text that will be displayed for a single item. For fixed height items—i.e. when the XTF_VARY flag is not specified)—XTR.ITEMLINES determines the display height of every row. Sample image here.




or 255

Produces a row height equal to that needed for editable cells, which is typically about one and a half rows high. (This is automatic when the tree contains editable cells.)


Adjust row heights to largest row font (+4 pixels leading)


Same as -2 but with only 3 pixels of leading


Same as -2 but with only 2 pixels of leading


Same as -2 but with only 1 pixel of leading


Same as -2 but with no extra leading


See History



2013 June, A-Shell 6.1.1354:  Add support for -8. Although -6 theoretically provides no extra leading, it turns out that when using the XTF_VARY flag, the rows are more tightly spaced than XTR.ITEMLINES = -6 (without XTF_VARY); XTR.ITEMLINES = -8 comes closer to the emulating the XTF_VARY spacing.

2012 April, A-Shell 6.0.1248:  Add support for -3, -4, -5, -6

2011 September, A-Shell 5.1.11233:  Add support for -2