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XTREE Flags1

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Affects the operation of the Escape and Enter keys when in editing mode. Normally, Escape while editing an editable cell will abort any changes to that cell and then revert from cell editing to row selection mode. With this flag set, Escape will update the cell and then exit from XTREE. Also, with this flag set, Enter from the last editable cell will exit from XTREE, rather than wrapping back to the first cell.



Leave list box on the screen after exit from the subroutine. In GUI mode, this also leaves the control defined, for possible re-entry or refresh later. See XTF_NOSEL and xtrctl XTR.OPCODE. The symbol name, XTF_MODELESS, is meant to represent "modeless", since this makes the pick list act something like a modeless dialog, i.e. a dialog that allows you to click back on the main window without first closing it, as opposed to the normal "modal" dialog. Also see XTF_DISABLE.



For file mode, this flag indicates that the first line of the file contains the Coldef specification. If XTF_COLDFX is not specified, then the line is assume to be in the Simple Multi-Column Coldef Syntax. Otherwise—i.e., XTF_COLDFX is specified—then it is assumed to be in the Advanced Coldef syntax.

See File Mode Coldef Extensions for further related information.



Allow multiple selections. The operator accomplishes this by holding down the Ctrl key while clicking to make a selection (or Shift while clicking to select a range). In this mode, the answer parameter must be mapped as an array of one byte strings, which will be returned representing the status of each row ("1"=selected).



Disable the tree control on exit. Only makes sense if XTF_MODELESS also set. This might be useful to either visually make it clear to the user that the control is not active, or to eliminate the need to process a keyboard click string for when the user clicks on the control outside of the confines of XTREE. See XTR.KBDSTR.



In single-select file mode, return result (and select default) via row number in answer parameter, rather than row text in array parameter. Selected row data is still returned in the array parameter though. Identifying the selection via the row number rather than the row data eliminates ambiguities when portions of the row data are common to more than one row, as well as when columns using the right justification format option, but not right-justified in the file data, get stripped.



This flag prevents XTREE from exiting with EXITCODE 0. This would mainly be useful in conjunction with XTF_EDITABLE where you wanted to only exit for validations and explicit click operations as opposed to a spurious Enter key that slips in while the tree is selection mode (between editable cells).