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A-Shell Reference

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A-Shell BASIC, normally referred to as "ASB," is the programming language used for developing applications in A-Shell. A super set of the original AlphaBASIC, which was introduced in 1976, it shares many features with other BASIC-like languages, while adding a number of features particularly useful for developing vertical market applications in Windows and Unix environments. These include a mechanism for precise memory layout of structures (MAP Statements), various integrated, cross-platform, file access methods, and the ability to call external routines written in C or ASB. It is partially compiled to p-code, which is then executed within the A-Shell runtime environment.

The following sections attempt to provide the necessary details so that both newcomers and long-time A-Shell developers can get the most out of ASB.

u Naming Programs


u Program Structure


u Flow of Control


u Sample Program I


u Sample Program II