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A-Shell Reference

Written November 2022

ImgDflt=<default image spec>

If ImgDflt is specified and the image file corresponding to the image file specification in an image cell doesn't exist, then XTREE will use the default image instead.


The ImgDflt feature is only activated when the original cell data specifies a discrete image file that does not exist.  In other words, if the cell contains an icon spec like nosuch::ashico1, the ImgDflt feature will not come into play.
The ImgDflt is not used if the corresponding cell data is empty.
You can reference the ImgDflt deliberately by putting "*" in the cell. This is equivalent to a filespec that doesn't exist, except is cleaner and more efficient since it eliminates the need for a failed directory lookup.


2022 November, A-Shell 6.5.1722:  ImgDflt added to A-Shell.