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A-Shell Reference

VIEWASHLOG {switches}

VIEWASHLOG.LIT provides a simple way to view the ashlog.log file contents, either in its entirety as text, or just the errors in a spreadsheet or XTREE grid.



view entire log using the EZTYP viewer.


view just the errors, with an option for spreadsheet or XTREE.

Other switches available only if /ERRORS is not set:


Effect of Switch


Look for ashlog in current (dir) directory


look back # (default 1) ashlog.### files

/MACHINE:machine id

Filter on machine id (partial ok)


Filter on pid


Filter on program


Display traces for just this session

In the XTREE display, you can select an error and if it can find the corresponding LSX file, allows you to bring it up in the VUE or APN editor.


2023 September, A-Shell 1750:  Function added to A-Shell.