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A-Shell Consolidated Reference

Note that "^m" or "^M" can be inserted into data cells, as well as column headers and banners, to force line breaks and increase the row height accordingly.

CSV file can use comma, tab, or pipe delimiters (see recent history note), but that //XL directives must use comma delimiters, and therefore any parameters containing commas must be quoted.


2023 October, A-Shgell 1750.2, CSV2XL 2.2(291): add support for 64 LibXL library, which is required when running on 64 bit versions of A-Shell.

2023 February, A-Shell 6.5.1724, CSV2XL.SBX 2.1(268):  A literal "^m" inside a data field now makes the expected adjustments to the spreadsheet configuration—i.e., activating the wrap option and increasing the row height. This was previously supported in the column headers only.