EMAILX Reference > A-Shell Doc Overview

File Types

Most A-Shell doc files are published in the standard forms of CHM and HMTL. For on-screen access, these are the best formats that we know of, and are considerably more usable than PDF. The formats are generated from a common source and include identical search and index capabilities.

• CHMs are single files that are downloaded to your computer and accessed from there. Their main advantage over the HTML format is that they are really fast. Their main disadvantage is that they age, and new versions must be downloaded periodically in order for you to stay current. See the following section for additional comments on CHM Files.

• HTML versions of the docs are sets of files that reside on MicroSabio's web server. Their benefit over CHMs is that they never require updating; you are always seeing the latest version of the docs. Their disadvantage is that they are not quite as fast as CHMs, since every page has to travel over the internet. As connection speeds continue to increase, however, this is becoming a non-issue. If an HTML page takes ten times as long to load as a CHM page, but still loads in a tenth of second, there's not really a problem...

If you wish to print a complete document, the preferred format is PDF. HTML and CHM have good printing capabilities for individual topics, but PDF is much preferred for whole documents or even for larger-than-a-topic subsections. If a PDF version of the doc you wish to print is not listed on the documents download page, please contact MicroSabio and ask if a PDF is available.

All MicroSabio documentation is maintained in Microsoft Word source files, and those files are generally available on request.
