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A-Shell Development History


Compiler/language enhancement: individual global variables can now be declared as External Variables.


Compiler enhancement: Unreferenced Variables are now listed at the end of created LSX files.


Compiler/language enhancement: Nested ELSEIF Clauses.


Compiler bug fix: SWITCH statements now work in /RC mode, per the docs.


COMPIL.LIT 1.1(122) enhancement: you may now use the /C:symbol syntax to define a symbol without giving it an explicit value with the =value clause. If no value is specified, the implicit value is a numeric 0. This is most useful for defining symbols to be used in ++IFDEF or ++IFNDEF tests, where the issue is whether the symbol is defined at all, not what its value is.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: child dialogs were being positioned relative to the parent dialog (rather than the main window) even when MBF_ALTPOS or MBF_DLGNOCREEP was set. (Problem introduced early in 5.1)


PAGE.LIT 1.0(102) adds support for syntax display (PAGE /?), and also checks and adjusts for common mistake of using PAGE <file> to display a file, instead of PAGE TYPE <file>. In other words, if the argument list consists of a single filespec, and that filespec appears to be a text file, it is treated as if the command was PAGE TYPE <file>.


Compiler enhancement: add Conditional Compilation Statements.


Compiler enhancement: add ++ERROR and ++MESSAGE Statements.


Compiler Symbol Definitions: a new command line switch supports passing symbol definitions into the compiler.


compil.exe 409 supports the same capabilities as described above, except using the -c:symbol=value syntax (in place of /C:symbol=value).


XTREE bug fixes: Radio buttons and checkboxes where not properly centered within their columns, but instead were about 2 pixels to the left. And the character search was not taking into account the current item. (Fixes contained in new SftTree_IX86_A_60.dll version 6.04).


XTREE bug fix: Use of XTR'EXPANDLEVEL was causing item focus to be moved from the first selected item to its parent.


ATE aux printing bug fix: printer specified in Connection Properties dialog was sometimes being ignored, using the default instead.