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A-Shell Development History


MX_CHKPCNET bug fix: was returning -1 (not available) except under ATE.


Compiler bug fix: use of sizeof() within functions and procedures was, in some cases (apparently only Linux) returning the size of a previously referenced variable. (Note that the problem was affected the hash code of the affected RUN file.)


COMPIL.EXE 5.1.429 (standalone compiler for The Editor) updated per above.


Further refinement of INFLD GUI bug fix described in 1140.2, which was still leaving some combo box drop downs too short.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: CTLOP_INFO was truncating the returned control text at 2 bytes. (Problem introduce in 1140.0.)


AUI_CONTROl bug fix: dialog centering (MBST_CENTER, etc.) was not working properly on secondary monitors unless the tops of the monitors were aligned.


INFLD GUI bug fix: Some combo boxes were failing to drop-down properly under W2000. (The total height of the drop-down was about 1 pixel, making it look like just an underline.) Problem was introduced in 1139.3.


CGIUTL enhancement: the 16K limit on the size of a single expanded line of the template HTML file (using opcode 3 or 6) has been lifted. (It may take some ingenuity to create such long lines, but apparently some A-Shell developers feel up to the challenge.) The only limits which remain are that 32K for the length of a template line prior to variable substitution and 256 total substitution variables (which may be distributed over 96 XCALL parameters). Also, increase the default maximum size of the parameter buffer passed by the web server to A-Shell from 4K to 16K (applies only in the case where the web server does not support the CGI standard by defining the CONTENT_LENGTH environment variable; IIS seems to fall into this category.)


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: MBST_CENTER with MBF_ALTPOS dialogs was causing dialogs to be reduced drastically in width. (Introduced in 1139.)


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: New cstate flags MBST_HCENTER (&h00800000) and MBST_VCENTER (&h01000000) allow controls to be centered just horizontally or just vertically. (Specifying both is equivalent to MBST_CENTER, which should now probably be deprecated to free up a bit, although it will be a long time before we could expect to be able to reuse the bit.)


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: Although centering is mainly intended for dialogs, it now works better for controls within dialogs. (In particular, the new MBST_HCENTER flag might be useful for centering a single button at the bottom of a dialog.)


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: increase the limit on size of the CTEXT parameter, from 1024 bytes, to approximately 3500 bytes (The actual limit is about 4K, less the space used for all of the other AUI_CONTROL parameters.) The new larger limit will be mainly useful with very large TAB controls (i.e. having many tab panes).


A-Shell/SQL interface ported to Linux.


EZ-SPOOL bug fix: After using the EZVUE preview from the EZ-SPOOL, the screen was not being restored properly.


Installer bug fix: the SYS:LP0.INI file was being over-written by the generic one during an install/update.