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A-Shell Development History


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: colored static text background colors were not working within TAB controls.


AUI_CONTROL MBF_TAB refinement. The adjustment to increase the max length of CTEXT in 5.1.1140 had the side effect of stripping the original CTEXT contents to the first tab label (i.e. up to the first tilde) during the parsing/tokenizing of the TAB text. In most cases this had no consequence, but to avoid the possibility that an application may have saved or reused that CTEXT contents after creating the TAB, the contents are now preserved. (Note: only affected local A-Shell/Windows, not ATE.)


SQL.SBR compatibility adjustment: Windows MySQL connector renamed from ASHMYSQL.DLL to LIBASHMYSQL.DLL.


MX_FILESTATS bug fix: addition of the new version and hash options in 5.1.1139 was causing problems with earlier versions of ATE. The extra parameters are now ignored on the server side when ATE < 1139.


New ? TAB command AG_XFUNCS checks the network state of the PC.