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A-Shell Development History


GUI bug fix: the height of INFLD controls on the main window, when the "Force edit box height to match combo" option was checked, and the Proportional font scale factor was > 0, was incorrect. Instead of calculating the combo height based on the specified percentage of the coordinate cell (aka main window "grid") size, it was basing it on the specified percentage of the normal combo height.


GUI bug fix: right clicking on a control prior to any XTREEs being created was causing a GPF.


XTREE bug fix: remove the extra blank row that was inadvertently added to each XTREE by the 1145.3 patch.


XTREE bug fix: close GPF loophole if ADDCNT < 0


STRTOK (and possibly other SBR) bug fix: close GPF loophole when a null string is passed back to a non-string parameter.


FTP bug fix: Attempting to send a file to the root directory of a network drive (e.g. "\\server\share") was failing. Also, attempting to send a file to a non-existent subdirectory of a network drive was failing to create the directory, and thus failing to transfer.


STRTOK.SBR bug fix: close a loophole which, under some conditions, caused a GPF or segmentation fault when the source string was empty. (One doesn't normally try to tokenize an empty string, but it should still support it without failing.)




GUI dialog scaling bug fix: maximizing or otherwise scaling a dialog was not working properly when the original dialog grid height and width scale factors were not 100 to start with. If they were smaller, the controls were scaled too large (often going off the right edge of the dialog when maximizing).


Compiler bug fix (compiler edit 433): nested structure definitions were not being recognized when the first character of the referenced structure name was not capitalized.


Compiler/language enhancement: The new statement REDIMX has been defined to redimension an array originally created with DIMX


Compiler enhancement: the Parameter type AS clause in function and procedure headers now allows symbols to be used in place of literal values for the sizes of the parameters.