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A-Shell Development History


Dialog centering refinement: when centering a dialog with MBF_DLGNOCREEP and without MBF_DLGNOPARENT, base the centering on the main window rather than on the dialog's real parent.


AUI_CONTROL bug fixes relating to dialog centering

Dialogs with desktop as parent (MBF_DLGNOPARENT) were not getting centered at all unless the main window was on the main monitor.
When a dialog was being centered on the main window or another dialog, it was coming out slightly to the left (by the width of the borders), and somewhat too high (by an amount related to the difference between the height of the combined caption/menu bar/status bar and bottom status bar, if applicable.


MSGBOX.SBR refinement: MBMISC_DEFLT2 and MBMISC_DEFLT3 flags (to select the default button) are now supported in text mode. (Previously text mode always selected the first button.) Also, the Windows version now uses the LDF to get the button labels (the UNIX version has done this for a long time).


XTREE refinement: Adding the H (hidden) flag to a column now overrides the saved column widths. (Previously, unless you also set the cwidth to 0, the column would reappear as previously saved.)


ISMUTIL VERIFY operation now outputs information to ashlog.log on errors. (On the screen, it only shows the type of error without any helpful details.)


XTREE refinement: Adding the H (hidden) cformat code to an otherwise visible column with a non-zero size wasn't always making the column disappear. (Settings its cwidth=0 worked, but just adding H should have been sufficient.)


MX_BROWSEFOLDER and MX_GETOFD refinement: If the initial path or directory is in the form of a drive letter and colon, with no trailing slash (e.g. "C:"), automatically append "\" to avoid confusion. (Such ambiguous specs are otherwise likely to be misinterpreted by A-Shell and/or Windows.)


XGETARG / XPUTARG refinement: The fix in 1160.0 to preserve the fractional value of a floating point expression converted to string during parameter passing was resulting in a trailing ".0" when integer floating point values were converted to string. (e.g. 1 was converted to "1.0") This was causing side effects in routines that were treating the resulting string as a literal key of some kind (INIX.SBX being one example). Now, the string result is stripped of the trailing ".0".


INMEMO enhancement to make INMEMO More Windows-friendly.


INFLD GUI refinements: (1) Control+A now selects the field (same as Shift+End); (2) Alt+Backspace as well as Control+Z perform a primitive "undo". The first time it will restore the field to its state immediately prior to the last key (mainly useful if you accidentally selected the entire field and then deleted it). The second time, it will restore the original (starting) value of the field.


MBF2_STATICWIN controls may now be made clickable in the normal way (adding the MBF_KDB flag to ctype and putting a click string in the ccmd parameter).


Function / SBX nesting bug fix: The function level nesting counter (.NEST_LEVEL) was incorrectly getting reset at the start of an SBX call. This probably didn't matter to anyone until a recent refinement to dynamic memory management, when it caused memory corruption (reported as error 3) when a function pass dynamic variables to an SBX, which in turn called a function.


Correction to the Italian version of the Edit menu: the Paste option was listed as Taglia (cut) rather than Incolla.


Further AUI_EVENTWAIT refinement (to 1164.1) to fix a backwards compatibility problem in which EVW_EXCDINOUT stopped working in the main window and in the first event wait for a new dialog. Note that in order to put the focus on a clickable control at the start of a new dialog, you will need to remove EVW_EXCDINOUT, or add EVW_NOWAIT to the first call.


XTREE bug fix: Control+HOME and Control+END were not working properly when in checkbox cells.


AUI_EVENTWAIT enhancement: it is now "smarter" about deciding when to ignore EVW_EXCDINOUT and when not to. Previously, it would ignore it (i.e. wait for another event) when either there had been a focus change to another dialog within the current A-Shell session since the last eventwait, or if in-coming exitcode was the same as the last outgoing exitcode. That handled the two most typical cases where you would want to wait for an event even if the in-coming exitcode identifies a clickable control: 1) on the first eventwait in a new dialog, and when returning to a dialog after handling another dialog.

The problem which the previous scheme didn't handle was the case where you deliberately wanted to fire off the event associated with a clickable control after returning from some other dialog. The new logic keeps track of the last exitcode for each parent window, and only ignores the EVW_EXCDINOUT flag when the in-coming event is the same as the last out-going event.


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: A chr(13) character embedded in the text of a button (MBF_BUTTON) will now automatically enable multi-line mode (eliminating the need to remember to set MBF_WRAP at the same time).


MBF2_STATICWIN bug fix: In the initial implementation (1162) the flag was incorrectly being tested for in the ctype parameter rather the ctype2 parameter.


ATE server-based licensing improvements: Extend the timeout for the initial ATE handshake from 3 seconds to 8 seconds, in order to be more tolerant of connections with high latency or other intermittent pauses.


Add new ATE License Detection logic and environment variable.