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A-Shell Development History


INPUT bug fix: trailing blanks were being stripped when they shouldn't be, and quotes weren't be removed in some cases where they should be. Problem was introduced around 1164 while working on INPUT CSV improvements.


XTREE bug fix: CellList ID codes # and * (to allow numeric or alphanumeric input in a cell within a CellList (s) column) were having the side effect of the cell being cleared whenever gaining the edit focus.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: resizing image controls was causing the image to be lost when the image filespec name was > 42 characters.


EZTYP refinement: The "Default Printer" option in the brief printer menu now clears the field as soon as you type a character.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: Internal changes in 1184.1 were causing Leo to fail to display nearly anything in the working dialog.


XTREE / XTEXT / INFLD bug fix: Caret was becoming invisible after calling XTREE or XTEXT, and not be reactivated by INFLD.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: static icons w/o the MBF_NODISTORT flag were not getting resized/repositioned when then container dialog was resized.


INFLD GUI color fix/enhancement: Setting the DFCLR and/or DBCLR fields of the INFCLR structure to a palette index value +64 now overrides the theme color (provided you don't have the Settings > Misc option to "Force standard colors in edit boxes" set).


XTREE enhancement: icons may now be loaded into image cells (just like other BMP, TIF, PCX and JPG images). You may either specify the .ICO file (as with the other image types), or you may specify an icon resource using the resname::dllname syntax.)