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A-Shell Development History


Triad catalog refinement: improved tracing.


GUI click refinement: Rapid clicking on a single button works better now (up to 8 clicks per second should work).


INFLD fix: TYPE |Z wasn't overriding TYPE |K. Thus Ctrl+Z was performing "undo" rather than exiting with exitcode 18.


INFLD fix: 8 digit dates with the date swap (>) option and a 99/99/9999 form (f) were not formatting correctly.


INFLD fix: Right justification was not working properly in GUI mode in conjunction with MAXPT. (The display of the added digits were often getting truncated by the end of the field.)


INFLD enhancement: date fields (except for the GUI date picker) can now use a "form" (TYPE "f", SETDEF set to something like "99/99/99"). This provides a sort of middle way between the Windows date picker control (which some people don't like), and a standard date field (in which the separators don't appear until after hitting ENTER).


INFLD enhancement: New TYPE ||D allows a date field to be filled with zeroes.


INFLD refinement: When using TYPE Z (zero fill), leading zeroes are no longer stripped on entering the field for date fields or form fields. (Stripping the leading zeroes in such cases may mess up the alignment of the form or the interpretation of the individual digits in the date.)


INFLD XMAX versus MAXCHRS bug fixes: In several cases, INFLD was using the XMAX value where it should have been using the MAXCHRS value, which limited your ability to use XMAX to expand the field with without changing the logic of the control. (For example, with dates, the format should be based on MAXCHRS not XMAX. For zero fill, it should fill to the MAXCHRS size, not the XMAX size.) Note that when MAXCHRS not specified, it is treated as equal to XMAX, so this only affected cases where you explicitly set the two to different values.


GUI edit control refinement: Fixed pitch fonts used in edit controls were often slightly too wide for the control, causing the last character(s) to be truncated. This should reduce or eliminate the need to resort to increasing XMAX in order to allow more space for the too-large characters.


XTREE bug fix: an internal timer overflow was in some cases making it impossible to exit from the first cell editing operation of an XTREE session. The problem was introduced around 1197.3, and only affected machines on which A-Shell or ATE runs on and which have been up for more than about 24 days, cycling on and off every 24 days after that. Since normal workstations are typically rebooted more often than that, the problem is mainly associated with Windows servers and thin (or RDP) clients (where XTREE is actually running on the server).

So if you have such an environment that uses XTREE editable cells, even if you haven't experienced the problem, you should definitely update if running anything between 1197 and 1199. Or, be prepared to reboot your machine if the problem surfaces.