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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 5.1/6.0, builds 1100-1271

1207 – 28 February 2011

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Updated XTEXT Control Modules #2.


GDI Printing refinement: When a //GDI directive fails, the directive itself is printed (rather than the intended effect of the directive). In addition, if the directive failed because of a Windows error, then the error code will be printed at the end of the line, e.g. "(err 1400)". You can look up Windows error codes on the web, or translate them using MX_ERRNOMSG.


XTEXT/ATE bug fix: The server side was not recognizing http:// specs and thus was trying to transfer them as files to the client, without success.


XTEXT bug fix: In web browser mode, hyper-linking to pages with relative addresses (e.g. "./newpage.html") wasn't working.


XTREE bug fix: Editable cells were not always respecting the editing-related column flags (such as conditional validation) when the mouse cursor or caret was not synchronized with the cell currently being edited.