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A-Shell Development History


AUTO_EXTEND refinement: A DIMX array initially with 0 elements is now legal if the AUTO_EXTEND operation is specified. Previously it generated an illegal subscript error when the DIMX was processed.


Compiler bug fix (edit 482): Detect attempt to embed a new-style IF/ENDIF block in the body of an old-style IF statement. Previously it compiled ok but crashed upon execution.


Compiler bug fix (edit 481): "Copying ..." message was displaying the wrong ++include file name when the /LI (local include) option was specified.


(UNIX) Bug fix in save/restore area code: Saving / restoring areas across an XCALL AMOS boundary was leading to intermittent memory fault (or possibly a job hanging while burning up CPU). Problem was introduced since 5.1.1198 (although we're not sure exactly when, so an update is strongly advised for any version beyond 1198.)


Tracing improvement: The ashlog trace messages now contain both the main program and the current SBX, if applicable, e.g. "<MAIN:CURSBX>". Among other advantages, this will help clarify that any location counter (listed with Basic errors and segmentation faults) is relative to the current SBX, not the main program.


Tracing improvement: Memory allocations now indicate the "handle" (position in A-Shell's allocation table) as well as the address, making it easier to verify that allocations are being properly freed.


Startup terminal handshake refinement: For telnet/ssh connections where the terminal driver is "WYSE50", "AM65" or "AM75", the timeout on the initial probe to detect ZTERM or ATE on the client has been extended to allow for slower internet connections. Previously it was 1.5 seconds for the initial response and 0.25 for the subsequent responses; now it is 3.0 and 1.5 seconds, respectively.

The symptoms of a premature timeout is three-fold: first, you may see a "Z" or "T" next to or instead of the initial dot prompt; second, server-supplied ATE licensing (if applicable) may not work; third, SET TERM will not give any indication of the ZTERM or ATE version. The downside of increasing the timeout is that when connecting from a non-ZTERM, non-ATE emulator using one of those emulations, there will be a longer delay on startup.


Windows printing refinement: It is now possible to select a custom paper size by its name, rather than just it's number, assuming that the paper shows up in the trace list of available paper sizes. This saves a step (running a test print with TRACE LP to see what number the custom paper was assigned), and also provides a degree of printer independence (since it isn't clear that the same number would be assigned to the custom paper by each printer).

Warning: custom paper sizes is an area in which there is considerable variation between printer drivers. In some cases the driver properties dialog will allow you to define a custom paper size. In others, you may need to use the common Devices and Printers > Print Server Properties dialog to define a custom "form" (which may, or may not show up in the list of available paper sizes for a particular printer. But if it does show up, then you should be able to select it via PAPERSIZE=<name>.


Internal cleanup of memory allocation tracing to eliminate spurious trace warnings about invalid attempts to free memory allocations.


GDI printing enhancement: New printer init commands PAPERLENGTH, PAPERWIDTH allow you define custom paper sizes.


GDI tracing refinements: The LP TRACE information has been expanded somewhat to help interpret/debug the behavior of the driver when requesting paper sizes.


APEX paper handling refinement: When the paper size code is numeric and doesn't associate directly with a standard named paper size (like "LETTER"), the actual size will now show in the APEX title bar along with the numeric size code. For example:

[Samsung ML-2010 Series - papersize: #257 (165.1 mm x 127.0 mm)]


XTREE enhancement: New XTREE Color index code "=" may be used wherever an RGB color index is used (such as to specify the background color in a cell) to reset the color back to the default.


Write protect error code correction: The Basic error code previously returned for attempt to write to a write protected file (e.g. one opened with the READ'ONLY attribute) was 29 (file already exist). It has been corrected to 24 (write protected).