1215.0.1 |
(ATE) An ASHNET2.DLL Update replaces the previous implementation of the OpenSSH protocol. |
1215.0.2 |
(ATE) Add a keep alive option to the configuration dialog (ATECFX 4.0.145). |
1215.0.3 |
(Windows) New MX_SCRNPIC option SPICF_GUICSV dumps the current GUI control table to <jobnam>.CSV. |
1215.0.4 |
Added subroutine XSTRIP.SBR which performs various string editing operations. |
1215.0.5 |
New command AGCMD.LIT may be used to send a TAB(-10,AG_xxx) command from the dot prompt or within a command file. |
1215.0.6 |
New command ECHO.LIT functions similarly to the UNIX and Windows echo command. |
1215.0.7 |
(Windows, ATE) New AUI_IMAGE opcode IMGOP_CAPTURE captures the screen or a window to a file. |
1215.0.8 |
(Windows, ATE) AUI_IMAGE Supports PNG file format in acquire and capture operations. |
1215.0.9 |
(Windows, ATE) Add a configurable Print Screen option to the File menu. |
1215.0.10 |
AUI_MENU bug fix: When specifying the parent menu by name (rather than position) in the menuid parameter, it was failing to match equivalent names that differed only by the presence or position of "&". For example, "File" was not matching "&File". Also, a menuid of "" was matching the first submenu (typically "File"), instead of the overall top menu. In some cases these anomalies didn't affect the overall result, but in some cases they caused it to fail. |
1215.0.11 |
1215.0.12 |
DEL.LIT 2.2(108) bug fix: Memory modules longer than 8.3 were not being deleted due to truncation of an internal variable. |
1215.0.13 |
INPUT CSV enhancement: It now detects colon and semicolon delimiters in addition to the comma and tab delimiters previously detected. Also, the detection logic is activated only on the first line of the file; after that, it will remember and re-use the delimiter for the remainder of that file. (This eliminates the possibility that the detected delimiter might change at some point in the file due to an ambiguously formatted line.) |