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A-Shell Development History


Calendar bug fix: if the container dialog was smaller than the calendar, it was displaying just a sliver of it, rather than just clipping it to the size of the container. Bug was introduced in edit 1212.


Control centering bug fix: MBST_HCENTER and MBST_VCENTER options were centering (and clipping) based on the coordinates requested rather than the actual control size. (This mainly only affected controls with immutable sizes, such as the calendar control.)


Directory scanning enhancement: MX_FINDFIRST/MX_FINDNEXT/MX_FINDEND now support Nested Directory Scans.


Dialog sizing bug fix: Creating a dialog of a specified client size in pixels using MBF_DIALOG+MBF_ALTPOS and MBF2_PIXSIZE (see 1176.0) wasn't working in a variety of situations.


XTEXT bug fix: correct a problem introduced in 1218 in which it reported to the user that 0 lines would be saved when not applicable (i.e. when in display mode, etc.)


Further refinements to the "ink saver" algorithm. Fix a problem with white text on a dark background disappearing. Fix problems with large white areas on a dark background turning dark. Apply a gamma lightening adjustment to the final result


AUI_IMAGE improvement: The "Ink Saver" (IMGCF_INKSAVER) algorithm (see 1215.0.7 below) has been improved to optimize the single color responsible for the most ink, rather than simply the single color occupying the most screen area. This results in better overall optimization in screens where the most common color is already very light, but there is still a substantial area of a much darker color.


ATE/ATSD licensing counting adjustment: ATSD now identifies instances with the machine ID reported by the ATE client during the initial handshake, rather than with the ID generated by the server. This makes the names listed in the SYSTAT/C display more meaningful, and should mostly eliminate the discrepancy between the way sessions were counted against the license between P2P and ATE connections to the same server.

1219.0.2 message file fix: a few of the standard messages (particularly warning messages relating to the license count) were displaying some garbage in the ashlog.log due to spurious "%" characters in the message files (which have now been updated).


LOG file improvement: certain fatal error messages (like "you've been zapped!") were only appearing on the screen; these are now being logged (mainly of interest for follow-up support/review.)


XCALL/Function parameter improvement: the maximum number of parameters which can be passed to an XCALL (SBR/SBX) or Function/Procedure has been increased from 100 to 128. If you need more than that, perhaps a redesign of the routine's interface may be in order. (Although we've said that before, and here we are, increasing it again!)