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A-Shell Development History


XTREE bug fix: Advanced coldef option FastMax=1 was acting like FastMax=2.


ATE licensing refinement: Adjust server/client license handshaking to work around a complication that arises in certain non-USA versions of Windows. The problem wasn't serious but led to an incorrect warning about a problem in the license, and an unnecessary invocation of the LICENS/ATESRV command on startup.


MX_GETSHELLPATH enhancement: add option to operate relative to the Server or Client.


MX_CHKPCNET enhancement: add option to operate relative to the Server or Client.


MK_SHELLEX enhancement: add option to operate relative to the Server or Client.


MX_MKDIR refinement: the remoteflag parameter can now also accept "C" (for client) as an alias to "R" (remote) and "S" (server) as an alias to "L" (local). This is intended to reduce the chance of accidentally using the Client/Server notation in place of the Remote/Local notation. (Experience has shown that some people are confused over which is the "Remote" and which is the "Local", which is why we've moved towards the Client/Server notation, which seems less easy to confuse.)


XTREE checkbox bug fix: T and T+ (editable checkbox) cells stopped working in 5.1.1225.0.