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A-Shell Development History


Auto_extend bug fix: Feature was being inadvertently enabled within the calling lists of a function involved in an assignment statement. This was opening a window of possibility by which passing an array element in the argument list beyond the current extent of the array was causing the array to get extended and possibly moved in memory, invalidating the address of any element from the same array already referenced in the same argument list. At best this caused the argument to appear as a bogus value; at worst it caused a segmentation fault.)


Additional minor improvements in the MALLOC traces.


Minor improvement to the Windows print auto pitch font trace to help answer questions about the details of the actual font selected.


INFLD Date/Time Picker refinement: mouse wheel now works for adjusting the individual subfields up and down.


GETPRG.SBR Enhancements.


Bug fix: OPTIONS=SBX_RUNDIR was always using the explicit location or current ppn (if no explicit location specified in the RUN command) as the RUN location. In a situation where no explicit location was given, and the RUN was in the [p,0] rather than the current [p,pn], it would have subsequently failed to check the [p,0] location for an SBX.


Bug fix: the SBX auto-reload feature (see 5.1.1221.0 below) was intermittently leading to a spurious subroutine-not-found error when the SBX was not in the current PPN. The log in this case was showing a failed attempt to load the SBX from the current PPN, instead of from the correct location in [p,0] or BAS:. Note: this bug fix was implemented in version 1236 as indicated; however, it was inadvertently omitted from this documentation, and was not added until the omission was discovered on 10 November 2011.