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A-Shell Development History


New DEVICE=PROMPT(DEFAULT): option was displaying a spurious "printer not found" message before displaying the printer selection dialog, when not using the APEX preview.


Add Windows printer DEVICE option DEVICE=PROMPT(DEFAULT):. This is identical to PROMPT:, except that it ignores the last used printer and instead defaults to the system default printer. This is useful in places where printers come and go, and defaulting to the last used printer can cause confusion or worse when the last used printer is no longer present.


XTREE enhancement to DragDropProtect advanced coldef option: DragDropProtect=##,##. This is similar to the existing DragDropProtect=## option, except allows you to specify both a number of rows at the top and a number of rows at the bottom to protect. Use positive values for each, e.g. DragDropProtect=1,3 to protect the top row and the bottom three rows.


XTREE/ATE bug fix: editable columns wider than 512 characters were not being returned to the application properly after the first row.