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A-Shell Development History


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: creating a new control with a tooltip was sometimes (rarely) causing a change in the parent dialog's position in the Z order.


INMEMO (and PCKLST text mode) bug fix: they were failing to return the EXTCOD value in some cases.


Windows error reporting bug fix: in various situations a spurious error 183 (cannot create a file when that file already exists) was being reported.


SBR=CCYY:## now defaults to 60 for all situations, as implied by the documentation. Previously this was only true for INFLD and for XTREE date sorting, but not for some date picker controls nor for IDTIM.SBR. This was most likely a problem in ATE where the local ATE copy of MIAME.INI may not have specified the CCYY option, resulting in the date picker calendar showing a year like 1914 instead of the expected 2014 for a date like 03/03/14.


XTREE bug fix: close a loophole through which a memory fault may have occurred if a context menu was requested while editing a combo or date picker cell.


XTREE refinement: clear XTR'XNAVMASK after the FastMax=1 event triggers to avoid inadvertently displaying the tree's context menu if the event leads to a rapid exit and re-entry.


TABX display refinement - eliminate some unnecessary repaints or failures to repaint.


XTREE bug fix: Clear up some undesirable side effects of the FastMax=1 feature added in 1377.1.


AUI display refinement: dragging a main window containing MBF2_DLGNOCAP dialogs now works somewhat more smoothly than before.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix/refinement: The 1376.0 feature that interpreted erow and/or ecol values of <= 0 as being relative to the bottom/right edge has been adjusted to require the values to be < 0. The problem was that for controls with a default minimum size (such as the calendar), some programs may have been setting erow and ecol to 0, counting on the minimum size. The change introduced in 1376.0 was causing such controls to extend to the bottom/right edge of the parent dialog.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: MBF_ALTPOS dialogs were initially displaying too tall (and possibly too wide), although they were restoring to the correct size after a resize event. Problem was introduced in 1376.0


XTREE enhancement/refinement: The Advanced Column Definition clause FastMax=1 now causes the cell to exit after clicking on a new selection in the dropdown list, or after using the up/down arrow keys to change the selection and then hitting ENTER. This amazing feature eliminates one extra keystroke, thus improving operator productivity immeasurably.


AUI_CONTROL enhancement: tooltips will now automatically wrap at 600 pixels, and you now have the option of manually breaking the lines by inserting chr(13) characters. The display time for a tooltip (normally about five seconds) is also now extended by four seconds for every 100 characters past the first 100. You may extend the display time to the maximum value of 32 seconds by inserting a "+" at the start of the tooltip string. Note that the maximum tooltip length remains 400 characters.


AMOS.SBR enhancement: New parameter chainto returns the chain-to target.


Static image bug fix: in some conditions, image controls were getting resized to a width of zero (effectively making them disappear). Problem was introduced in 1374.4.