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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 6.1/6.2, builds 1300-1428

1402 – 18 February 2015

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AUI_CONTROL bug fix / behavior change: When creating a dialog, the MBF_SYSMENU flag no longer automatically adds the min/max buttons to the title bar. To get this effect, you need to add the MBF_MAXBUTTON and/or MBF2_MINBUTTON flags. Prior to version 1400.1, the min button was added/enabled automatically for modeless dialogs; after 1400.1 it was added/enabled for all dialogs. Now it requires the explicit flags.


Window state bug fix: minimizing/restoring a maximized dialog by clicking on the task bar button was sometimes resulting in the dialog being restored to the normal rather than maximized position.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: resizing the window was causing custom font weights to be reset to the default weight.


AUI_CONTROL bug fix: static text controls with the MBF2_CUSTDRAW option were often becoming garbled (due to overwriting) when resizing them. The problem would clear itself after a display refresh.


Tracing improvement: in the MALLOC traces, user memory modules are now labeled "USR:name.ext" instead of just "USRMEM".


Function key translation bug fix: deleting an IFX (translation) module using XCALL AMOS,"DEL *" or some similar programmatic means, particularly when nested within SBX or AMOS xcalls, was leading to a variety of problems with function key handling. The least of these was that function keys would stop working properly. Other symptoms were garbage in the input buffer and even memory corruption.


XTREE bug fix: close a loophole that allowed an invalid memory reference to occur if a font column (cformat "f") contained a fontidx that had no corresponding font definition. This was actually an application bug, but XTREE was allowing that to possibly lead to worse problems; now the bad reference is logged to the ashlog.log but otherwise ignored.


Auto_extend bug fix: arrays were being auto-extended on read access. They should only be auto-extended on assignments, i.e. write access. Behavior may have been harmless but may have covered up logic errors in applications. Problem was introduced in 6.1.1391.4.


ATE / ATSD / AUXLOC printing bug fix: When printing from ATSD to an ATE client (via AUXLOC:), session was getting stuck until the local keyboard mode flag was manually cleared (via the menu). Problem was introduced in 1399.6 but did not affect UNIX/AUXLOC printing.


XCALL XINNOE bug fix: the byte following the end of the variable passed to it was being set to null. Also, if the input data was longer than the specified variable, it was overwriting the following memory. The first problem goes back at least to 6.0, while the second problem was introduced in 6.1.1311.


XTREE bug fix: the context menu checkbox operations ($CBSET, $CBSETDEP, $CBRST, $CBRSTDEP, and $CBUNDO) were, in some cases, causing checkboxes to disappear entirely, or to appear in cells which originally were blank. Also, the operations were unnecessarily slow.


File hook enhancement: two New File Hook Events have been added to MX_FILEHOOK to hook ISAM add and delete operations.