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A-Shell Development History


Refinement to XTREE handling of optional editable dates (cformat=DE, InfDef=DO). Now, when the date-valid checkbox is unchecked, the date displayed will be blanked out. Previously, it was grayed out, but the difference wasn't enough to avoid confusion.


APEX preview control SftPrintPreview_IX86_U_20.dll updated to 2.0.7 to correct some internal inconsistencies with related controls under Windows 10. No outward behavior changes expected.


New SOSLIB routine ATEGFK.SBX retrieves a file from the PC via the ATE terminal connection.


AUI_IMAGE scanning enhancement: the IMGSF_HIDEUI (1) option in the scanflags parameter now works in single-page scanning mode. Previously single page scans (pages=1) always displayed the scanner's user interface regardless of the scanflags.


Enhancement to AUI_IMAGE allows the setting of pixel type and resolution.