1540.0.4 |
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AG_WALLPAPER now supports PNG and other image formats for main window wallpaper. This was always the case for dialog wallpaper (see 6.3.1527 below), but previously, main window wallpaper was limited to BMP files. |
1540.0.3 |
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INFLD enhancement: TYPE code |& ('smart' re-enabling of protected fields), when specified in the INFDEF string, now affects BASIC INPUT fields. (Normally, the INFDEF options only apply to XCALL INPUT, XCALL INFLD, etc.) This can be handy in an application that uses protected fields along with BASIC INPUT, assuming that the BASIC INPUT does not deactivate the protection (which INFLD would otherwise do). |
1540.0.2 |
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SYSTAT.LIT 3.2(175) will display the group each job is assigned to, if applicable, with the /CU switch. |
1540.0.1 |
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Implement new Group Licensing feature. |