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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 6.5/7.0, builds 1600+ > 2018

1625 — 25 January 2018

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Compiler (edit 849) bug fix: default function and procedure parameter values were not being respected in calls where no named parameters were specified. Problem was introduced in compiler edit 847.



Runtime bug fix for spurious subscript out of range errors when passing array base references to functions. This was a side effect of the 6.4.1556.7 patch which worked for XCALLs but not functions.



Compiler (edit 848) bug fixes / refinements: (1) Passing a named lblref reference to a function without prefixing the name with @ was compiling but failing to actually pass the parameter. (2) ++IFMAP and ++IFNMAP now work as expected with /PX. Previously, since ++IF conditionals are processed during the initial pass but MAP statements are not, a function that was only referenced within a block of code conditioned on a seemingly true ++IFMAP would get shaken out out of the tree, resulting in a function-not-defined error. This is now resolved. Note that ++IFMAP <var> only applies to global variables, not local or private variables.



ATE-related server-side enhancement: .msi packages are now supported along with .exe files in the A-Shell startup search for updates from the %MIAME%/atesetup directory.