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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 6.5/7.0, builds 1600+ > 2020

1676 — 20 March 2020

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XTREE: spurious 'only one filter state column' warning removed.



XTREE date filtering: using the calendar filter range consisting of just one date was failing to match dates with implicit rather then explicit centuries. Also, any column data containing both a date and a time was being excluded even if the date matched the ending date in the filter range. For example, a filter consisting of a single date MM/DD/CCYY was rejecting data of the form MM/DD/CCYY HH:MM.



XTREE date sorting: the date sort comparison routine was not always treating dates with explicit and implied century values as equivalent.



Further dramatic improvements in the recycling of memory used for dynamic variables. The difference can be particularly substantial in cases where a single dynamic memory pool—i.e. the global pool or a particular function or procedure—persists over the course of a large number of dynamic variable assignments, especially when working strings experience repeated cycles of concatenation and truncation.



Dynamic variable memory management refinement: the garbage collection subsystem managing memory used by dynamic variables (S,0 or X,0) has been substantially rewritten to do a much better job at recovering fragments which were previously left behind.



Further refinement to the change in 6.5.1676.3 to use FTP2 instead of FTPDLX, but only if the ATE client version supports it—i.e. if it is version 6.1.1380+.



XTREE date filtering bug fix: using the calendar filter range consisting of just one date was failing to match dates with implicit rather then explicit centuries. Also, any column data containing both a date and a time was being excluded even if the date matched the ending date in the filter range. (For example, a filter consisting of a single date MM/DD/CCYY was rejecting data of the form MM/DD/CCYY HH:MM).



XTREE date sorting bug fix: the date sort comparison routine was not always treating dates with explicit and implied century values as equivalent.



Further dramatic improvements in the recycling of memory used for dynamic variables. The difference can be particularly substantial in cases where a single dynamic memory pool (i.e. the global pool or a particular function or procedure) persists over the course of a large number of dynamic variable assignments, especially when working strings experience repeated cycles of concatenation and truncation.



Dynamic variable memory management refinement: the garbage collection subsystem managing memory used by dynamic variables (S,0 or X,0) has been substantially rewritten to do a much better job at recovering fragments which were previously left behind.



Further refinement to the change in 6.5.1676.3 to use FTP2 instead of FTPDLX, but only if the ATE client version supports it—i.e. if it is version 6.1.1380 or later.



A-Shell/Windows session identification bug fix with long user names: In cases where the A-Shell session identifier is based on the user name (rather than the workstation machine name), long user names were resulting in truncation of the unique suffix on the identifier, resulting in two sessions being given the same identifier, resulting in job table conflicts. These long names are now truncated so that the unique suffix fits within the allowed maximum of 19 characters. Use SYSTAT/C to see these.



XTEXT and AUI_IMAGE refinement: when either of these functions needs to transfer a file between the server and client via {S}FTP, they now use FTP2 rather than the older (and now deprecated) FTPDLX routine. Among other advantages of FTP2 is that it doesn't require registering a DLL on he Windows side.



XMPP.SBR refinement: the PW (password) parameter may now be optionally encrypted using MX_PWCRYPT. Modes 1-3 are supported; in the case of mode 3, use the FROMID as the encryption seed and omit the key parameter (to use the internal A-Shell generated key). See 6.5.1676.0 below for more details on XMPP.SBR.



Compiler bug fix (edit 926). In programs compiled without the /M (require all variables to be mapped) option, a reference to a non-existent structure member (ST.MEMBER) within an otherwise defined structure (ST) was resulting in the structure name getting auto-mapped as a F,6 variable. This wasn't causing any compiler errors, but in assignments of the form ST = <anything>, the assignment was being made to the auto-mapped variable rather than the structure. Such errors are now properly reported. Note that even without /M, variables of the form ST.MEMBER are not eligible for auto-mapping.



(Linux only) Add new subroutine XMPP.SBR, which allows sending of instant messages using the XMPP protocol.