1705.9 |
Fix |
Compiler edit 948: automapped for/next loop variables (see 6.5.1704.0) were generating bogus compiler errors if there was a ++extern statement in the same function. |
1705.8 |
Fix |
AUI_IMAGE: display position was failing to adjust for top or left toolbar. |
1705.7 |
Fix |
XTREE: column header sort indicators were not working on the right side of a split tree. They now work, but only for the primary sort level. Secondary/tertiary sort works, but the indicators don't appear. Requires SftTree_IX86_U75.dll 7.5.3. |
1705.6 |
Refinement to server-side atesetup feature. The first step in the search path has been changed from $HOME/$LOGNAME to $MIAME/atesetup/$LOGNAME. This avoids a disconnect in privilege settings when running the ashell executable with the +s bit set. As before, if the user-specific directory exists, the search for the atesetup module is terminated, whether a setup package is found or not. |
1705.5 |
Fix |
XTEXT: TXOP_CREATE opcode was creating the control but then immediately exiting; this occurred as a side effect of message handling revisions in 6.5.1705.2. Also note that contrary to the notes for 6.5.1705.2, XTEXT accepts dropped files as internal attachments and thus does not generate the exitcode -75 for the drop event. |
1705.4.1 |
Fix |
XTREE: AutoSum wasn't working on columns defined prior to the level indicator (cformat @) column unless the XTF_MLVL flag was explicitly set. |
1705.4.2 |
Fix |
XTREE: close memory corruption loophole that occurred when an AutoSum column was more than 30 characters wide, an unusual but not illegal scenario for a numeric column. |
1705.3 |
New |
File drag-drop refinement: extend support to XTREE via the new flag XTF2_FILEDROP (&h01000000). Note that as with all other variations of the new file drag-drop feature, the drop event stores the dragged filename(s) and triggers exitcode -75, but it is up to the application to actually do something useful with the dropped files. In the XTREE case, the application would presumably something like add the filename(s) to the tree and redisplay it. |
1705.2.1 |
Revision to the drag-drop feature introduced in 6.5.1705.0 : the two modes are now referred to as "destructive" (previously "synchronous") and "non-destructive" (previously "asynchronous"). Exitcode -75 is now generated by the drop event, regardless of the mode, so the only real difference is whether the drop event replaces the existing contents of the drop bufffer or adds to it. Also, the range of control types eligible to accept dropped files has now been extended to include nearly all types that are created with AUI_CONTROL, include dialogs. The main exceptions are controls where it makes no sense, like date/time, up/down and progress controls, and those that aren't created with AUI_CONTROL (such as XTREE and XTEXT). Sample program FILEDROP1 has been enhanced to better illustrate the feature. |
1705.2.2 |
AG_DRAGDROP (112) implements both destructive and non-destructive drag-drop modes. See MX_DRAGDROP for details and parameters. Syntax is: ? tab(-10,AG_DRAGDROP); opcode, ctlid {,fidx}; chr(127); and the return string is of the format: status, fspec |
1705.1 |
New |
Enhancement to drag-drop feature introduced in 6.5.1705.0: In the normal drag-drop mode, each drop event generates an exitcode -75 which must be processed in order to retrieve the dropped file name, since the next drop event will replace it. In asynchronous mode, the drop event does not trigger any exitcode, and instead, file names accumulate in the drop target buffer, waiting for the application to query them at its leisure. To activate the asynchronous mode, use opcode 3 after creating the drop target control: opcode = 3 xcall MIAMEX, MX_DRAGDROP, opcode , status, ctlid
This disables the exitcode which otherwise gets fired for each drop event, and also changes the storage mechanism so that success drop events just add to the buffered list of dropped files. To query the dropped file count or retrieve the file names, use the same techniques (opcodes 0 and 1) with MX_DRAGDROP as described above for synchronous mode. |
1705.0 |
New |
MIAMEX function MX_DRAGDROP provides support for accepting files dragged and dropped onto a static text control. |