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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.6, builds 699-791

735.1 — 07 June 2000

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1. INFLD H type now returns a "0" in the ENTRY string if nothing entered, matching the behavior of the $ type code and also AMOS. (Previously it was returning nothing in the ENTRY string.)


2. EZSPL color refinements (see EZCLR= in edit 735 below.) The highlight colors now control just the display of matching keystrings in EZVUE search mode. The status colors only control the dsplay of the page/of status line information, although the colors themselves are not necessarily used. If the terminal or emulator has a status bar, it will be used for the page/of information, and the color will be fixed by the emulator (black on gray for Windows.) Otherwise, it will appear on line 24 and the specified status will be used. However, in all cases, if you want to eliminate those status line messages, either because they are confusing, inaccurate, or because they slow down the display on a serial workstation, you can do so by setting both colors to the same non-negative value (i.e. 0,0).


3. ASTAT 2.1(124) significantly reduces the CPU overhead on a Windows station (which only matters if you are running ASTAT in a second window, but in that case, it could be noticeable.)