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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.6, builds 699-791

735.3 — 08 June 2000

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1. (WINDOWS) Allow direct setting of colors 8-15. This is equivalent to combining the DIM attribute with colors 0-7, but it is handy to be able to specify them independent of DIM, especially in conjunction with the INI.CLR settings. Note that 8-15 for both background and foreground share the same palette (reduced foreground 0-7).


2. INMEMO cosmetic bug fix: was not redisplaying the original memo on control-c abort.


3. Include two new sample color definition files--BLUE.CLR and BLACK.CLR, which define reasonably coherent color schemes, the one using a common blue background, and the other a common black background. To use either one, copy it to LIB:INI.CLR. Note that current the color definitions are only read when A-Shell is launched.