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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.6, builds 699-791

755 — 14 November 2000

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1. Fix a problem in which the job table was locked while the "node license exceeded" message was on the screen (waiting for the operator to acknowledge.) This was leading to all kinds of problems with job table corruption, apparent lockups, etc. For PolyShell, this fix requires 1.4(138).


2. DIR.LIT 1.5(123) now includes the update time in the /SUDATE sort. (Use DIR /UDATE/UTIME/SUDATE to both sort and see the sorted values.)


3. INMEMO no longer forces a blank line in a new memo if using protected rows mode (EXTPRW=-1.)


4. A-Shell/Windows telnet server output buffering capacity has been quadrupled to reduce the problem of WSAWOULDBLOCK errors when the telnet client is too slow.


5. XDATE.SBR now returns dow for 1/1/yy in BASE parameter.


6. XINPUT/XINPUT no longer beeps when rejecting spaces.


7. Eliminate a recursive stacking problem in A-Shell/Windows which could cause a stack overflow if the jobtbl.sys was locked for several minutes.