1. Fix misc problems with the INMEMO bottom title not being displayed or especially cleared at the appropriate times.
2. XCALL AMOS,"LOG..." now executes via LOG.LIT rather than via LOG.SBR, allowing a somewhat wider variety of syntax options, including "LOG" with no arguments (displays current login with LOG.LIT and "invalid account" with LOG.SBR.) This also fixes a problem in which XCALL AMOS,"LOG p,pn" would not find DSK0:[p,pn] if currently logged on to another device. (That was a limitation of LOG.SBR.)
3. XCALL AMOS,"SET..." now executes within the current process even if OPTIONS=AMOS_RUNSBR was not set. (This is an example of a command you would always expect to work within the current job.)
4. Fix a bug in AMOS.SBR in which it failed to locate a CMD or DO file if OPTIONS=AMOS_RUNSBR was set and the command line was not explicit.
5. When running a subroutine within the parent session, certain error messages (like Basic errors) now hesitate on the screen for 3 seconds to give you a chance to see them.
8 December 2000: Version 4.6(758)-2
1. Fix a bug in the Basic STOP statement that caused a segmentation fault if running within a command file at the time.
2. Fix bug introduced in edit 728 in which a string expression of the form: STR$(X)+ would end up with a trailing null in the middle if -1 < X < 1. This embedded null would become a problem if the expression was used to assemble a larger string, for example:
A$ = B$ + STR$(X) + C$ ! (C$ was being lost) or A$[X,Y] = STR$(Q) + C$ ! (A$ was truncated prior to C$)
(This was a runtime bug and had nothing to do with compilation.)