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A-Shell Development History

Navigation: Version 4.6, builds 699-791

769 — 30 April 2001

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1. (UNIX) Fix problem introduced in edit 767 in which redundant output file buffer flushing (resulting in duplicated data in the output file) could occur in output files that were open at the time of an XCALL SPOOL operation on another file.


2. New A-Shell/Basic extension (requires /X:2 COMPIL switch):




INPUT CSV is just like regular INPUT except that it if an end-of-line is encountered in the input file before all of the variables specified in the INPUT statement were matched, then any remaining variables will be cleared. (With regular INPUT, the remaining variables would be assigned using data from subsequent input lines.)


INPUT CSV is so named because it makes it easier to input data stored in the popular CSV (Comma Separated Values) format output by programs such as Excel. Frequently, CSV files will not bother to output commas at the end of a line for fields which are not there. (In the case of a spreadsheet, there is often no way of indicating just how many columns "ought" to be in use.)


An example may clarify this. Assume we have an input file containing the following data:





Assuming the file was open as channel CH, the following statements:



? A,B,C,D,E,F


would output "1 2 3 0 0 0" This is because when hit the end of the first line, we simply cleared the remaining variables D,E,F.


If we had used INPUT instead of INPUT CSV, as shown here:



? A,B,C,D,E,F


Then it would output "1 2 3 4 5 6" This is because INPUT will continue on the next line(s) as needed to satisfy all of the variables on the INPUT statement.


3. Both INPUT and INPUT CSV now handle quoted numeric fields. INPUT always handled quoted string fields, but it got confused if it encountered a quote numeric field.


4. INPUT LINE now properly handles lines which begin with quotes. Previously, it tried to handle such a line as if it was a quoted field, which didn't make sense for INPUT LINE.


5. XCALL MIAMEX,94,ROW,COL may now be used to retrieve the current cursor ROW and COL.


6. The maximum line length supported in VUE has been increased from 510 to 2022.


7. INFLD now supports TYPE |I to start field in insert mode (as if ^Q had been entered.)


8. EDIT.SBR now supports bits 2,3,4,12,13,15 plus no longer echoes a linefeed at end of each field (if SBR=INFLDEDIT).