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A-Shell Development History

1. A new MIAME.INI statement, MALLOCLIMIT=<size in bytes> allows you to change the default limit of 8MB.  It can be useful to increase the limit in cases where you have a lot of memory (especially under Windows) and you want to sort or VUE files larger than 8MB.  Conversely it can be useful to set a smaller limit on multi-user UNIX systems if you are tight on memory.  Note that the limit only comes in to play during sorting (and then only if SBR=MALLOCSORT is set in the MIAME.INI) or during VUEing of large files.  You may use K for kilobytes or M for megabytes, e.g.:

MALLOCLIMIT = 1500K    ; (1500 kilobytes)

MALLOCLIMIT = 15M      ; (15 megabytes)

2. Fix autoexpansion of INMEMO files, which was broken at some unknown point in the past.  Autoexpansion of INMEMO and ISAM files is set by default, and may be turned off with OPTIONS=NO_AUTOX or OPTIONS=NO_ISAM_AUTOX.  (They are equivalent.)