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A-Shell Development History

1. Fix various problems in EZSPL/SPOOL's interpretation of the layout of the "new xcall spool format" parameter packet. The general effect was that option flags were not always getting recognized.

2. Fix a bug in EZSPL which caused it to terminate if all options except ASKPRT were off.

3. (LINUX) Correct a problem with rounding which was introduced in the 838-8 patch. The problem caused an incorrect digit to appear in one of the least significant digits of very long masks.

4. FPROUND option support expanded to affect negative arguments to the INT() and FIX() functions. For example, INT(-13.9999999) previously returned -13 even when FPROUND was set; now it returns -14 when FPROUND is set. FPROUND logic is also not applied when assigning a floating point expression to a binary variable (which effectively implies the use of the FIX() function).

5. When ENTER is used to exit from a single-line memo (see 840-2 below), it now sets the "memo-updated" bit, forcing the memo to be saved. Previously, it just acted like ESC, which meant that the memo was not saved unless the operator typed something in other than just hitting ENTER. (Preloaded text does not set the "memo updated" flag unless it contains a ^F, ^D, or CR. This is a feature designed to avoid the saving of memos that only contained a time-date stamp provided by the application. The problem was that in a single line memo, ENTER was being treated like ESC, which did not by itself set the "memo updated" flag. Now it does.