(Windows/ATE) XTREE.MAP updated to include XTR'HIDEHEADER, which if set non-zero, causes the XTREE column headers to be eliminated.
(Windows/ATE) INFLD now supports SETDEF parameters of arbitrary size, allowing combo boxes of arbitrary size (although 32K is probably a reasonable upper limit). To do this via ATE, you need to first send the following command:
PRINT TAB(-10,42);BUFSIZ;chr(127);
where BUFSIZ is the new maximum length of the ATE command buffer. (The default command buffer size is 3K). The buffer must be large enough to handle all of the arguments of INFLD, which for the purposes of combo boxes, mainly just means the maximum size of SETDEF, plus perhaps another 1K to handle the rest of the parameters.
Eventually, this technique may permit multiline edits of arbitrary size, but for now, the limit is around 1600 bytes.
(Windows/ATE) Fix TAB control, broken in 920.
(Windows/ATE) Implement workaround in XTREE for problem of headers being truncated vertically if HdrScale set much larger than 100%.
(Windows/ATE) XTREE supports a new flag, XTF'CTRLC (16777216), which causes ^C to return EXITCODE 10. Otherwise, it acts like ESC (returning EXITCODE 1).
(Windows/ATE) Checkbox support in XTREE (in array mode only):
New column cformat flags:
• | T: editable checkbox (aka 'tick') column |
• | t: non-editable checkbox column |
If there are any columns with editable checkboxes, then the opcodes which allow selection act differently. Instead of moving a selection bar up and down and selecting one or multiple rows, instead you move just the mouse cursor around and check/uncheck checkboxes. To exit from the operation, use one of the normal exit commands (ENTER, TAB, double-click, etc.)
The data in checkbox columns must consist of a 1 byte (non-null) string. For non-editable checkboxes, the column data is interpreted as:
"0" - Unchecked
"1" - Checked
" " - Blank (no checkbox at all)
For editable checkboxes, the actual value of the column is ignored. (It is just used as a placeholder for the column so that it fits more easily into the standard column format.) Instead, the initial and updated checkbox values are passed in and out via the answer parameter, similarly to the way it is done for multiple-selection arrays. However, instead of just one byte per row, the answer array must be formatted as N bytes per row, where N = the number of editable checkbox columns. The values in the array are the same as for the non-editable checkbox columns ("0"=unchecked, "1"=checked, " "=blank).
For example, assume that we have an array of 1000 rows, and there are three editable checkbox columns. The format of ANSWER should be:
MAP2 ANSARY(1000),S,3 ! S,3 for 3 columns
MAP2 ANSARY(1000) ! up to 1000 rows
MAP3 ANSCB1,S,1 ! First checkbox column
MAP3 ANSCB2,S,1 ! Second checkbox column
MAP3 ANSCB3,S,1 ! Third checkbox column
When using editable checkboxes, you must also set the flag XTF'CHKBOX (33554432). (This is needed because the xcall parameter handler needs to make decisions about how to handle the ANSWER parameter before it is able to examine the column definition string.)
A new sample program, XTRA5, illustrates the use of both editable and non-editable checkboxes.
Since when using editable checkboxes, normal selection logic doesn't apply, you may want to specify something other than the default 1 for the XTR'SELECTAREA field (see next item below).
(Windows/ATE) Additions to the XTRCTL parameter structure. A new field, XTR'SHOW3D has been added to the end. If set to 1, a 3D-style is used for the cells. Also, the XTR'SELECTAREA field now has additional options (choose one from the 'SELECTAREA' group and one from the 'SELECTSTYLE' group):
Description |
0 |
anywhere on row, including tree lines, row headers |
1 |
any cell of row |
2 |
only first cell of row |
3 |
only text in first cell of row |
0 |
highlight entire row |
16 |
highlight all cells of row |
32 |
highlight first cell only |
36 |
same as 18 but highlight fills cell (not just text) |
When using checkboxes, you may want to use 3 + 18 rather than the standard 1.
The XTREE.MAP file has been updated as follows:
MAP1 XTRCTL ! extended XTREE parameters
MAP2 XTR'OPCODE,B,1 ! 0=normal (create), 1=replace data,
! 2=append, 3=delete, 4=select,
! 5=delete one row
MAP2 XTR'CTLNO,B,1 ! 0=1st pcklst ctl, 1=2nd, 2=3rd
MAP2 XTR'ITEMLINES,B,1 ! max # dsp lines of text per item
MAP2 XTR'TREELINESTYLE,B,1 ! 0=none,1=solid,2=dotted
MAP2 XTR'SHOWBUTTONS0,B,1 ! Show level 0 tree btns (0=no, 1=yes)
MAP2 XTR'SHOWBUTTONS,B,1 ! Show level 1+ tree btns
MAP2 XTR'SHOWGRID,B,1 ! Show grid lines (0=no,1=yes)
MAP2 XTR'GRIDSTYLE,B,1 ! 0=vert, 1=horz, 2=both
! (0-2 = solid, 3-5 = dotted)
MAP2 XTR'TRUNCATED,B,1 ! Show truncation indicator
MAP2 XTR'FLYBY,B,1 ! Fly by highlighting (0=no, 1=yes)
MAP2 XTR'SCROLLTIPS,B,1 ! Show scroll tips (0=no, 1=yes)
MAP2 XTR'COLUMNACTIVE,B,1 ! Active column (on entrance & exit)
MAP2 XTR'COLUMNSORT(3),B,1 ! Columns sorted by (1=1st col)
MAP2 XTR'SORTORDER(3),B,1 ! Sort order
! 0=none,1=ascending,2=descending
MAP2 XTR'KBDSTR,S,10 ! kbd click string
MAP2 XTR'USETHEMES,B,1 ! 1=use XP themes (if available)
MAP2 XTR'PARENTID,B,2 ! ID of parent control (e.g. TAB)
MAP2 XTR'SHOW3D,B,1 ! 1=use 3D style [105]
MAP2 XTR'UNUSED,X,27 ! unused [105] was 28
(Windows/ATE) You may now change the header font. (You are still limited to a single font for the entire header.) To accomplish this, two new column options have been add to the Advanced Column syntax:
• | HdrFont=<name>{,attributes} |
• | HdrScale=<percentage> |
These behave exactly like the Font= and Scale= options, except that they affect the header, rather than the current column.
(It may be misleading to use the column definition string to define the header font if in fact only one font can be used for the entire header, but it was a convenient place to put the feature, and perhaps someday individual column headers will be able to have different fonts. For now, it makes no difference which column you use the above options on; if you use them more than once, only the last one will apply.)
In addition to changing the header font, you can now also create a multi-line header by embedding CRLF line breaks. For example:
CRLF$ = CHR(13)+CHR(10)
COLDEF="1~5~Five"+CRLF$+"Alarm"+CRLF$+"Chili" &
+ "~S~Hdrfont=MS Jalapeno~~"
The above column header would display as:
and it, as well as any other column headers, would use the "MS Jalapeno" font (assuming it existed).
(Windows/ATE) A problem with INFLD passwords and XP themes in which the characters were echoed with some weird character (rather than the nice round dots) when the GUI font was sent to something other than the default, has been resolved by explicitly using the default GUI font for password fields.
(Windows/ATE) INFLD TYPE F (fast) now also applies to the date picker just like it does to combo boxes. (That is, a single click on a date in the drop-down calendar will set the date and exit the field.)