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A-Shell Development History

962.1.1   SWITCH statement

Fix a serious bug in the compilation of SWITCH statements, which caused the Nth compiled SWITCH in a program to match on the first CASE if the (N-1)th compiled SWITCH had not yet executed.

Any program containing SWITCH statements should be recompiled. Thanks to Herman for spotting this one, and apologies to anyone who got stung by it.

962.1.2   xcall GET

GETKEY(-2) now works (i.e. doesn't remove the character from the buffer).

962.1.3   xcall TCPX

Close a loophole in TCPX.SBR where passing it a bogus socket value might have led to a seg fault.

962.0.1   XTREE

Now supports a timeout option, specified by a new field in the XTRCTL parameter, the end of which now looks like:


MAP2 NEXTROW,B,4        ! (preexisting)

MAP2 DELCTLID,B,4       ! (preexisting)

MAP2 USECOLORDER,B,1    ! (preexisting

MAP2 COLORDER(31),B,1   ! (preexisting)

MAP2 TIMEOUT,B,4        ! (new) timeout (ms)

MAP2 UNUSED,X,28        ! (updated) for expansion


The XTREE.MAP file has been updated accordingly.

The timer is reset after each keystroke and after each mouse event.  (So you can avoid the timeout by just wiggling the mouse.)

If the timer expires, XTREE will return EXITCODE=11 (like INFLD timeout).

962.0.2   XTEXT

XTEXT also supports a timeout option, similar to XTREE, via the addition of a timeout field to the TXTCTL parameter, which now ends like this:


MAP2 TXC'BPROTCLR   ,B,4        ! [preexisting]

MAP2 TXC'PROTROWS   ,B,4        ! [preexisting]

MAP2 TXC'TIMEOUT    ,B,4        ! [new] timeout (ms)

MAP2 TXC'UNUSED     ,X,66       ! [update] (256 total)


As with XTREE, the timer gets reset on keystrokes and on mouse activity within the control.

If the timer expires, XTEXT will return EXITCODE=11 (like INFLD and XTREE) and any editing changes will be saved.

The XTX1 sample program has been updated to add TXC'TIMEOUT to the fields on the screen.

962.0.3   XTREE

Remove an old limitation (left over from the text version) causing the ending column to be truncated at the maximum column number of the main window grid, even if the XTREE was being displayed in a dialog.

962.0.4   Miscellaneous

Fix bug causing spurious file-not-found errors when loading images and other graphic files.

Summary Table


Fix a serious bug in the compilation of SWITCH statements.



GETKEY(-2) now works properly.



Close a loophole in TCPX.SBR where passing it a bogus socket value might have led to a seg fault.



Now supports a timeout option specified by a new field in the XTRCTL parameter.



Now also supports a timeout option, similar to XTREE.



Remove limitation which caused the ending column to be truncated at the maximum column number of the main window grid.



Fix bug causing spurious file-not-found errors when loading images and other graphic files.
