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A-Shell Development History


INFLD: Remove a bogus warning about improperly terminated SETDEF when creating checkboxes and radio buttons via INFLD over ATE.


Calendar Control: Close a loophole related to setting the date under application control, after which clicking on a button that returned the calendar to the previously displayed month was not triggering the date-changed click string.


Close a couple of loopholes in which tracing options were causing A-Shell/Windows to crash with a memory fault for certain verbose traces.


Compiler (1.1.351): Fix bug causing a memory fault in certain variations of the illegal / incompatible / undefined overlay syntax error.


GETMAC.SBR: Minor cleanup/refinement relating to retrieving a list of all the defined adapters.


Fix MX_FINDWINDOW so that it now returns the window handle of the current A-Shell dialog or main window if all the parameters are set to 0 or "", as was always intended.


Fix a problem where SEND.SBR (Windows) was leaving parts of JOBTBL.SYS locked after sending a message to "ALL".


XTREE: When using XTF_NOSEL and XTF_MODELESS to display a tree, the inactive selection style is changed from the gray bar to a dotted outline, making the selected item(s) less visually obtrusive. In most cases, in this mode you don't care about selection, yet there is no simple way to eliminate at least one item from being selected as the current item.


INFLD/EVENTWAIT: Controls created by INFLD are now given the MBF_TABSTOP property so that EVENTWAIT will allow you to TAB to them (assuming the other conditions are met). This is mainly an issue for checkboxes and radio buttons, which don't otherwise fall under the EVW_EDIT flag. Note that for checkboxes created via AUI_CONTROL, you could always have set the MBF_TABSTOP flag manually, but for those created by INFLD, this was not possible.


Fix XTREE problem where the automatic use of red to display negative numbers was not working in cells with individual background colors (using COLDEF code B).


Close up some loopholes for memory corruption when more than 23 argument tokens passed on the A-Shell startup command line, or when the command line contained more than 300 characters.


CGI mode under A-Shell/Windows no longer requires OPTIONS=NTTS.


SUBMIT.LIT 3.1(147) fixes a problem with /NEXT and /AFTER not being recognized if any preceding switches used space delimiters between the switch and the switch's value (e.g. /J MYJOB instead of /J:MYJOB).


Fix problem with token parsing introduced in 982.9. One symptom was that TAB(-10,x) commands didn't work very well if any of the individual arguments, other than the first one, were quoted with embedded commas.