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XTREE: Exitcode Appended to XINFO

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When a editable cell with validation has been edited but then the user clicks on a button that translates to ESC before otherwise exiting from the cell, the exitcode 1 is now appended to the XINFO parameter. This allows the application to see both events (changed cell, ESC).

Previously the application had no way to know about the ESC character, which was left in the input buffer, where it would in theory be used to terminate the subsequent XTREE session if the application re-entered, but that was subject to timing and other possible conflicts with the validation logic, sometimes resulting in the application re-entering the XTREE where the user would have to click the exit button a second time.

With this refinement, the returned exitcode will continue to be -48 (validation), but the XINFO parameter will contain "0,-48,1" rather than just "0,-48". The application should intepret that as "validate, then cancel". If it does, it should use TINKEY to remove any queued up keyboard input first. Otherwise the behavior will remain as before.