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A-Shell Development History

ASHNET library fixes/enhancements (edits 179-181), mostly motivated by Google Drive requirements.




Close a memory corruption loophole exposed by uninitialized S,0 parameters.


HTTP.SBR XHTTPF_REQGETRAW now handles binary response bodies.


HTTP.SBR XHTTPF_HDRBODY now works with XHTTPF_REQUPLOAD. As with all other XHTTPF_HDRBODY cases, put your special headers at the top of the request body (file or string), then a blank line (CRLF), then the body of the request, which in this case would be the list of files to upload.


HTTP.SBR verbs: to specify a verb other than GET or POST, use the XHTTPF_HDRBODY option to add a header of the format:


Verb: xxxxxx

where xxxxx may be any verb recognized by the server (e.g. PATCH, DELETE, etc.) Note that you still need to specify either  XHTTPF_REQPOST or XHTTPF_REQGETX.


HTTP.SBR XHTTPF_FILERESP now supports the option to specify two file specs, separated by a vertical bar, e.g "resp1.txt|resp1.dat". When the second file is specified, if the response body is compatible, HTTP will extract an embedded file from the complete response into the specified file.